Privacy Policy

    ETIC HABITAT, SCCL., Is the owner of the website that you visit, being the Responsible for the treatment of the User’s personal data, so in the treatment of your personal data, it guarantees compliance with current regulations regarding Data protection LOPD and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, so The following treatment information is provided: GDPR, as well as the regulations on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI),
    End of treatment: maintain a commercial relationship with the User.
    This privacy policy establishes the form and provides the necessary information on the management and processing of personal data collected on this website. The user must read it and accept it before continuing on it.
    Access to and use of this website is prohibited to those under 18 who are not properly authorized. ETIC HABITAT, SCCL., Understands that from the moment a minor accesses this website, he has the permission of his parents, his guardian or his legal representative.
    ETIC HABITAT, SCCL. informs that there are computer programs to narrow the navigation through the filter or block certain content
    The sending of personal data is mandatory to request information, contact, subscribe to our newsletters and / or carry out commercial or commercial operations with ETIC HABITAT, SCCL. Not providing the requested personal data or not accepting this data protection policy implies the impossibility of carrying out the requests made by the interested party or subscribing to our newsletters.
    The data that we request at all times, are adequate, relevant and strictly necessary for the purpose for which they are collected. As a user we are certified that all the data you send or provide us through these forms are true, truthful and relevant for the purpose that has been requested. Depending on the form or section you access, the information you provide will be used for the purposes described below:
    1. Those that we indicate in each of the pages where the electronic registration, contact, consultation or similar form appears.
    2. Address your requests and inform about our services, orders or any type of request you make through any of the contact forms on our website.
    3. To make it easier for our users to subscribe to our publications, periodic news or blog.
    4. In order to compile statistics for commercial purposes.
    5. To send our own commercial communications related to our products, services, news or promotions, through any electronic, postal or telephone means, as well as companies that collaborate with ETIC HABITAT, SCCL .. These third parties will never have access to your data personal, and these communications will always be about products and services related to our sector.
    6. To facilitate becoming a follower of the profiles of ETIC HABITAT, SCCL. in the social networks that link on our website. In this regard we want you to know that the processing of your personal data within the environment of these social networks, will be governed by the privacy policies of these networks, so that the exercise of rights by ETIC HABITAT, SCCL. will be limited to those allowed by the social network in question, for this reason we recommend that before following our profiles on social networks review the conditions of use and privacy policies thereof.
    Your data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality by all our collaborators or employees at any stage of the services we provide, with your data used exclusively for the purposes indicated above.
    Your data will be kept for the essential period to carry out the entrusted assignment, as well as to comply with current legislation. If you accept to receive commercial communications from ETIC HABITAT, SCCL., They will be kept as long as you do not request their cancellation.
    ETIC HABITAT, SCCL., Guarantees that your data will not be transferred or communicated to any third party, except in the cases provided by law and in the event that such assignment is protected by law, or is essential to fulfill the service requested and / or hired. In the case of transferring your data outside these assumptions, we will expressly request your authorization.
    1. We do not make international transfers of data outside the European Union.
    In the event that you provide us with personal data of third parties, you declare that you have been authorized by those persons to provide your data, and that you have informed them before all that is collected in this privacy policy, especially the data our company and how to exercise the rights to the treatment of your data. ETIC HABITAT, SCCL., Assumes no responsibility for the data of these third parties that you provide to us, being your sole responsibility to have the authorization of the owners and provide them with the necessary information about the processing of their data.
    At any time, you can send us a written communication to the registered office of ETIC HABITAT, SCCL., Or to the email that appears on our website, to exercise your rights of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data, as well as the Limitation or opposition must include a photocopy of your ID or other document that allows us to identify you
    The rights you can exercise are the following:
    • Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data, as well as the limitation or opposition to its processing.
    • Right to make a claim before the control authority, in this case, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection at, if deemed appropriate.
    • Right to withdraw from our subscription services, by sending an email to: indicating in your request: LOW SUBSCRIPTION.
    • Right to revoke the consent given for the processing of your data at any time whenever possible. Although this revocation will in no case be retroactive.
    By ticking the mandatory acceptance boxes of our “Privacy Policy” and “Legal Notice” and the entry of data in the fields of our forms, the user expressly and freely and unequivocally accepts that their data is necessary to meet their request , declaring to have been informed of the conditions on protection of personal data, accepting and therefore consenting to the processing of your data by ETIC HABITAT, SCCL., in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.
    ETIC HABITAT, SCCL., Has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data you provide us. Thus avoiding its alteration, loss, treatments or unauthorized access. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user acknowledges and accepts that Internet security measures are not 100% secure.
    ETIC HABITAT, SCCL., May alter this privacy policy to adapt it to any changes that may occur or due to the legislative changes that may appear and affect the policies contained in this document. As a consequence, we recommend that you review it periodically, as well as that you contact us with any type of doubt or incident in the email: or at the address and contact numbers listed on our website.