Webinar 16/06

Regulate or ban Homesharing in Barcelona?

Webinar 16/06

Regulate or ban Homesharing in Barcelona?


About us

Convivencia y Turismo is a project of social initiative that aims to improve the coexistence between citizens and tourists who visit us. It  builds bridges of dialogue and  discussion between the tourism sector, citizens and administration, while offering an advisory and mediation service between neighbors, owners of tourist-use homes and their managers, homesharing, nightlife areas, etc., for an alternative management of conflicts in the field of residential coexistence with tourists. All this, with the aim of making tourism a tool with a positive impact on cities.

Our work

In Convivencia y Turismo we generate dialogue and debate meeting through activities and events with the participation of different agents of the tourism sector, citizens and administrations.

We want to prioritize intervention to facilitate agreements, intercede in conflicts and propose measures that improve the coexistence and quality of life of the neighbors of cities and promote conflict resolution and coexistence in the communities of neighbors, owners and visitors.

In addition, we also want to enrich tourist’s experience, and promote a more sustainable, responsible tourism that lives the trade, restoration and culture of proximity as its own.

Tourism is a wealth and value of cities, an opportunity for all, that is why we believe in the actions that work to develop sustainable and respectful tourism with the neighborhoods and their inhabitants.


Build bridges of dialogue between the tourism sector, citizens and public administrations to raise awareness of the importance of the host figure in the city of Barcelona.
With Cohabitation and Tourism we engage tourists in the commitment to a well-kept Barcelona, loved and involved in the prominence of good intercultural coexistence. We bring the culture of sustainability to every corner of the city. Tourists welcomed in shared houses know, value and enjoy a more sustainable city full of opportunities.

How we do it

The main objective of this Service is to promote coexistence between residents and tourist housing or homesharing in the cities, facilitating the encounter and communication between them, restoring the relationship between the people involved, generating dialogue and debate meeting and helping to find solutions and agreements to the problems and conflicts generated by the coexistence.

Our principles are:


We are a team of professional and trained mediators. We facilitate communication and help maintain an assisted and managed dialogue, using the appropriate techniques to redirect closed positions towards common interests. We establish a negotiation framework that moves towards a satisfactory agreement.

Imparciality and Neutrality

We are professionals and do not position ourselves in favour of anyone or judge, we do not lean towards any of the parties in conflict.


This is a 100% secure and confidential service.


This is a voluntary process; at any time, the parties can leave the process. Its starting point is good faith.


The mediator is responsible for ensuring that all parties have the same opportunities to express themselves and give their opinion from mutual respect.


Mediators adapt to each case according to their characteristics, needs, tempos and people involved. Each case is unique and different.

Who can ask for this service

It is a bidirectional service, so it can be requested by neighbours, tourism sector associations, homesharing owners, tourist-use housing owners, managing agencies, owners communities, property managers…

Our services

We offer a comprehensive service for conflict resolution, adapted to each particular case and according to the characteristics and needs:

Creation of dialogue bridges between the tourism sector, citizens and public administrations

Study and analysis of each case. Design and proposal of individualized intervention

Legal advice

Group training (owner communities, management agencies…)

Mediation in conflicts

Monitoring the fulfilment of mediation agreements

Social Media